
Stephan (Weifan) Lin

Recent graduate from The City College of New York with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. (OUTDATED)

Email: stephanlin0212@gmail.com

GitHub: @stephanlin

LinkedIn: Stephan Lin


  • Possessed of a solid understanding of data structures, algorithms, and complexity analysis.
  • Strong in object-oriented design, system design, and integration problem-solving skills.
  • Proficient in high level languages, such as C++, Java, Python. Experienced in JavaScript and web application frameworks.
  • Eager to learn and passionate about implementing innovative software solutions and applications.


Languages and Frameworks

C/C++, Java, Python, Django, JavaScript, Vue.js, AngularJS, Node.js, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Bootstrap, PHP, Laravel, SQL, Swift, Scheme.

Development Tools

Git, npm, webpack, Xcode, Qt, Intellij IDEA, AWS, Heroku.


Software Engineer

Google March 2018 - Present

Front-end Developer

L&L Travel Enterprises, Inc. June 2016-March 2017

  • Worked in an Agile environment designing and implementing responsive and elegant web application for enterprise level system.
  • Worked with a variety of standard web frameworks and package manger to build cross-browser compatible web pages that provided a great user experience along with high performance and stability.
  • Maintained, enhanced UI and resolved performance concerns.
  • Leveraged RESTful Web Service APIs.
  • Optimized web application to maximize speed and scale for enterprise clients.
  • Designed and built self-contained, reusable and responsive UI components.



A responsive online shopping system implemented using full-stack framework Django/Python, which allows admins update inventories, and users can add items to their cart and checkout with a payment.



Image Processing Application

An image processing application written in C++ and OpenGL with Qt that can manipulate digital images via different filters, such as: contrast, blur, sharpen, noise reduction, and etc.



Adventure Game

A web application that provides outdoor adventures for parents and their children to complete together. The adventures are themed stories that ask users to complete the tasks including scavenger hunt, solving math problems and history problems.





Some iOS Projects

Flicks movies app using the Movie Database API

Video Walkthrough

Twitter read/compose tweets via Twitter API

Video Walkthrough

Instagram Clone photo sharing app

Video Walkthrough